

Ex Libris I
Publications catalog of Brian and friends

This page contains a table for my books and other documents that are published and available for sale. It will be updated as needed and include not only my books and booklets, but other key works—key to the freedom movement—that I've posted on my site or linked to. The cover image in the tables below contains the link to the Amazon or Lulu sale page. I have also posted a PDF (portable domain format) file for each of the books published; please make the recommended donation to download.

The Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP) Modules

I have packaged the SNaP book—published via Lulu—into seven distinct easy-to-read "modules," more easily digestible chunks of knowledge. Each module is approximately 28 pages long. I have listed them by my priority.

The Barrier Cloud Liberation Tech #4: The Barrier Cloud
   In Module #4, we discuss the detailed nature of the Barrier Cloud: the singular impediment to a world without coercion. The Barrier Cloud has two causes: external and internal. Understanding the causes enables the cure. This awareness is the highest priority for human-species liberation and flourishing. Book review here.
    Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Kindergarten Rules Liberation Tech #1: Kindergarten Rules
    Module #1 illustrates the simplicity of the nonaggression idea—thru the “Kindergarten Rules.” The nonaggression principle is shown to be not only the highest ideal in society but to lie at the root of our core values. The module also founds the premise that man’s natural inclination is to live w/o aggressing upon others. Book review here.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Nonaggression 101 Liberation Tech #2: Nonaggression 101
   What aggression is and what it is not. The SNaP syllogism and arguments. The “Four Horsemen of the NaP,” the foundational nature of the NaP, and the importance of giving it the highest value in society. The psychological context of the NaP, how psychology and intellect and spirituality drive it. The SNaPstrip. Book review here.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Nonaggression Roots Liberation Tech #3: Nonaggression Roots
   In Module 3, the author presents a three-dimensional scheme for measuring the progress of humanity—or an individual—toward the nonaggression ideal. The module presents the “metaphysics” of nonaggression: how progress toward the nonaggression ideal is manifested in a person’s heart, mind, and soul.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Breakthru Strategy Liberation Tech #5: Breakthru Strategy
   Module 5 discusses the so-called Grand Strategy for dispelling the Barrier Cloud, by moving along all three liberation axes, particularly overcoming mind control. Then some Home Run solutions and street-level tips. Also “Petite” Strategy categories with tactics. Showing the BIG solutions, practical stuff. Priorities and Vision.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Productive Action Liberation Tech #6: Productive Action
   A practical 'how to' conclusion to the SNaP analysis. Using the Law of Attraction and creative-motivated action to achieve our goals. Being positive and productive. Think. Act. Persist. TAP the SNaP. The wide wide world of the alternative economy. Agorism. Two dozen productive freedom projects you can do.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Liberation Technology User's Guide: Module #7: Nonaggression Faith Liberation Tech #7: Nonaggression Faith
   Module #7: Nonaggression Faith sets forth key ideas for establishing a religion whose central belief is the nonaggression principle. The quick dissemination of the SNaP as a way of life—a set of religious beliefs that may not be compromised to civil agencies of coercion—will hasten the penetration of the Barrier Cloud.
Recommended Donation $2
PDF File
Sacred Nonaggression Principle The Sacred Nonaggression Principle
   The whole enchilada. Original subtitle: Mantra for a nourishing world. This is the book in which I advocate holding the nonaggression principle as the highest social standard—sacred. The concept of nonaggression is identified and thoroughly described. Full solutions to all significant human problems (aggression-caused) are set forth.
    Recommended Donation $3 => PDF File   

To facilitate notice and sales of the SNaP and its key modules, I make this limited time offer: Anyone who accesses the Amazon or Lulu sites where the books are being sold and leaves a constructive comment (hopefully positive), I will send, in the mail, a signed copy of the book for free. [Please, one book per comment.] Notify me via email of the comment and of your mailing address.

Nonfictional Narratives and Essays from Brian Wright

At the time of this initial column page, the Sacred Nonaggression Principle and the works below are available through the self-publishing house, Lulu.

New Pilgrim Chronicles New Pilgrim Chronicles
   The first and, so far as I'm aware, only, travelogue of an early mover to the Free State. [Several individuals have confided these weekly diaries were a reason they, too, came to New Hampshire.] Describes a critical time in the Free State movement from the first Porcupine Festival of 2004, thru the heroic battles of '05 and '06.
   Recommended Donation $3 => PDF File   
There Must Be Some Mistake There Must Be Some Mistake
   A cross between Forrest Gump and Midnight Express, Some Mistake is a short take on what can happen when one takes the drug prohibition laws too casually. It will have you laughing in recognition and railing in outrage. In any case your blood will quicken; highly stimulating impulse for ending the War on Drugs and Liberty.
   Recommended Donation $2 => PDF File   
Don't Throw Mama off the Turnpike Don't Throw Mama off the Turnpike
   Four fun narratives of memorable occasions, including: a) I travel to Syracuse, NY, to sell my "Free State" Audi (Mom is my 'wing man'), b) early victory over anti-smoking Nazis in the Free State, c) Libertarian Party convention 1987, where Ron Paul was first nominated for Prez, and d) a personal Woodward Dream Cruise experience.
  Recommended Donation $2 => PDF File   

The books in this table will eventually be republished, with ISBNs, via the Amazon Createspace firm. I'll continue to maintain the pubs on the Lulu site, which does provide PDF versions with cover art.

A special link ...

... to a unique summary PDF courtesy Dr. David Ray Griffin, who supplies the best summary of 9/11 Truth "truths" I have had the privilege of reading. Any donations for this PDF download will be shared with the good folks at Global Outlook and Griffin himself:

 Let's Get Empirical PDF by DR Griffin | Suggested Donation $3 |

To be added soon...

As I develop my own fiction—currently short stories—I'll be providing another catalog Webpage (or pages) to offer these works, and the works of other fiction writers I like (mainly short-story fiction compilations), for sale... again possibly publishing via Amazon and/or making PDF versions available on the Coffee Coaster for small honor-system donations.

2010 January 17
Copyright © Brian Wright | The Coffee Coaster™
Barrier Cloud | SNaP | Liberty | Society w/o Coercion | Brian Wright

Brian Wright Professional Services


Rock Creek Free Press

New Hampshire Free Press

NH Common Sense

NH Common Sense




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