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Coffee Coaster Beaniegram

August 17, 2014

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Brian's Column-Article
Shot Heard 'Round the World, II
… or certainly the state of Michigan
by Brian Wright

From liberty Republican David Lonier’s email 8/15/2014:

“As many of you may have heard and/or witnessed, the 11th Congressional District achieved a milestone victory for true conservatism at the [Oakland] County Convention last night by electing Matt Maddock as our Chairman. The result was the removal of a preselected slate of establishment delegates to the State convention and the approval by a two to one majority (204:115) of a more representative slate.” [Full Column]

Book Review
Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid (2006)
by Jimmy Carter

Editor’s note: I’m replaying this book review from the old version of my site because of its timeliness and what I have learned very recently about political Zionism and the state of Israel,[1] especially regarding false flag operations and crimes against humanity[2][3]… which it certainly would appear are happening, as we speak, in the Gaza Strip. My goodness, this book was written seven years ago! Time flies. I remember how the so-called Israel Lobby raked ol’ president Jimmy over the coals for this mild-mannered, modest expose, as if he were pushing for rekindling the Nazi death camps. Au contraire, as it turns out, Mr. Carter was simply shedding light on the ongoing programs of war and ethnic cleansing—Carter never refers to it as such—by the ‘Israel Mob.’ Valuable work. [Full Column]

Movie Review
The Losing of the Liberty, June 8, 1967 (2009)
Two films on the Israeli unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty

Thank you so much Dick Kennedy for sending me these DVDs; I’m simply overwhelmed by the treachery and savagery of high officials of both governments, Israeli and American, serving without question the imperial agenda of Zionist Israel at this most critical juncture of history. It’s stunningly clear this was a false flag attack with unmarked planes and gunboats, intended to be blamed on the Arabs, and to sink the ship and kill everyone on board so no one would be available to contest the story. Following which the US could rightly enter the conflict on the side of Israel. [Full Column]

Guest Column
The Devolution of Solitary Confinement
Another Statist Mess that Humanity Will Unravel
by Infographics

These infographics come from, not a bad source for innovatively packaged information. I had no idea the practice of solitarily confining prisoners was so widespread. Another good reason to end the nightmare of big corporate global government in as quick and just a manner as possible… because guess who’re going to be the prime candidates for such treatment if the Cabal wins? For sure. Libertarians of all stripes, even people who once had a friend who voted Libertarian, which is most of the population. Individualists will not be tolerated in the New World Order. So global collectivists must be hunted down and segregated into gilded, ant-farming, sand-pounding work colonies as soon as possible—but not solitary… unless perhaps they were presidents and dictators. — Ed. [Full Column]

Quote of the Week

“I told the government I’d volunteer for prison, as long as it served the right purpose. I care more about the country than what happens to me. But we can’t allow the law to become a political weapon or agree to scare people away from standing up for their rights, no matter how good the deal. I’m not going to be part of that.” — Ed Snowden

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