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Major Ducats Times Seven: 1
Libertarian thoughts on an 'Alt Econ' white horse
by Brian Wright

MillionaireX7Up-Front Notice: In the interest of journalistic integrity, I am informing readers from the outset that this column winds up reporting favorably on a "new age" business I am actually participating in. — bw

But my thoughts are not truly new age, it's simply rare to consider this particular business
or business idea as an alternative economy or countereconomy option. Before I get to the meat of it, let me point the reader to my just published Sacred Nonaggression Principle, version 2 (the so-called "Kindergarten Edition"), Chapter 6—this link provides a sort of a preface to Ch. 6.

[Another Up-Front Note: I'm writing this particular column to my 'primary' audience of Americans associated in some way with the modern freedom movement.]

And before that let me back up a little further...

What's a Libertarian To Do... for a living?

It turns out I'm posing this question rhetorically as a way out of what for me and for I believe many liberty-loving human beings is quite a quandary. The books we've read, and the premises and social context we grew up with drive us deeply; it isn't unusual for Baby Boomer men to be in my situation.

True especially if you truly have come into manhood at the exact time the portal of libertarian political activity opened up—let's use the late 1960s as the starting point. Personally, I was driven by conscience to become active in politics, helping to found the Libertarian Party in Michigan, and so on. But I was always profoundly interested in the idea part of the process: God or not-God, anarchy vs. limited government, what kind of person shall I be, etc. I was a philosophe[1], and I do love it so.

Then, in early adulthood, there were personal-life issues. What is germane is that I felt a lot of guilt and pain being part of the corporate machinery —it was mostly 'cannon business' (MIC)[2]-related engineering work. That angst fed more addictive behavior, that created more issues, etc., etc.

Through it all I never gave up believing I could help solve the Big Universal Problem (of political tyranny) and, with my friends, live a life of liberty and integrity. Note, I did not say "a life of material well being," because that was not something I felt I could figure out... and basically my anger and mindset cut me off from conventional wealth accumulation.

How could a man earn abundant wealth in the corporate-statist system and feel right about it?

SNaP Chapter 6 Discoveries

Basically in the 1990s thru early 2000s I decided to forgo the morally clean part and do some heavy well-paying contracting as an engineer and/or technical writer for a few of the biggest Fortune 500 Super Wombat Thunderpig companies of our time. Easy come, easy go. I never developed any residual earnings: it was all "time for money," and I spent (more than) all of it.

The recent extended productive-class downturn in the West kicked in at about the same time I was ready to embark on my next libertarian mission: the Free State in 2005.[3] Naively I figured it would be routine to find a decent paying technical writing/editing job to pay my freight. Not to be. I also carried some political-crime baggage with HR types.[4] For the conventional job market, I was toast... and approaching 60.

I started writing some books and created the Coffee Coaster site. These creations were mainly cause-oriented, but as I sit here now in the Spring of 2010, I can see they factored HUGEly in my eventual good fortune. The first serendipitous result comes from the SNaP (Sacred Nonaggression Principle) II book and recognition in Chapter 6 of the importance and necessity of "Alternative Economy"[5] solutions.

Chapter 6 of SNaP II offers 24 specific counter-economy businesses you can do now, and, before that, speaks of the need to approach the libertarian cause with the "language of success." Here are my exact words leading to the "24:"

Positive and Productive

The point is that each of us as natural human beings, in general, and as freedom-loving people, in particular, has an incredible creative power to make the world according to our own imagination. When humans discover this amazing power, en masse, as I believe we are within a few years of doing—I see this book as a modest part of that liberating process—the Manipulator Class will be blown away like a tumbleweed on the Salt Flats.

At the same time, many people will discover the creative business or occupation they have a burning desire to pursue. They’ll restake claims to their precious childhood dreams and never again let outside powers put them in a box. A new alternative economy is emerging now, as we discard the centralized hierarchy of the corporate-cartel state and carve out an abundant, passionate productive life with our own name on it.

This creative and motivated force will not be denied. I’m happy to be a practitioner.[6] If there’s anything I’m convinced of, it is that success requires reaching people with the language of success—whether we’re in business or in politics. Think. Act. Persist. TAP. Problems exist, which is merely another way of saying we win by setting and achieving goals.

... May whatever honest business or occupation you choose lead you to the time freedom, the health freedom, and the financial freedom to be able to lend a hand toward the political freedom… which, system-wide, is the nonaggression ideal.

Not only was I seeing the wondrous solution (in the SNaP) of our political problems, I was acquiring a vision of MATERIAL SUCCESS. My prior values had almost always been exclusively ideology and integrity... with both of those waning, truth be told. But I persisted.

Just a few weeks ago, the SNaP Home-Run Fix (SNaP II) book was finally coming to fruition. In that period, a self-made man in sports and of industry, whom I have come to know and increasingly admire over the previous four years, sent me a note...

A Business in Good Conscience

The note was an introduction to a network marketing (multilevel marketing or MLM) business that his son, Mr. James Lee Valentine, the premier motivational writer and speaker in the Far East, had recently developed... and which was about to go live. Candidly, I was not inclined to follow up—based on a smattering of MLM experience in my time and my sense that my friend's previous MLM activity seemed out of my league financially. But on a simple hunch, I went to his analog of this page, clicked on the big red Enter key, and checked out some Questions.

Frankly, I cannot remember what piqued my curiosity, but it was some combination of the following perceptions:

  • that this was a straight-up-front MLM business whose product was "motivation and empowerment,"
  • that it did not cost an arm and a leg to participate ($30/mo. for as long as you wanted to stay),
  • that it was worldwide and headquartered offshore from American-government pirates, in particular (Tortola, British Virgin Islands),
  • that payment was immediate and automated via AlertPay of Montreal, Quebec,
  • that I was at a point in my life where I could use some positive input and incentives for constructive wealth-producing action, and
  • that the products on cursory view stood a good chance of meeting my needs.

So after some more time and a few emails I felt it was worth $30 a month to check it out further. And so I did. The name of the company is MillionaireX7 (MX7), and you may view a brief two-minute get-acquainted video here.

Early-Stage Review of MX7 Empowerment System

From the first introductory books on the business, I realize, as I noted above: this is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) opportunity, with no surprises lurking in the shadows. [Some of my readers may recall my experience with "online business" scams roughly a year ago. That left a bad taste.] There really isn't anything to hide. Here are the essentials:

  • Type of Company: International MLM
  • Product: Motivation and empowerment (M&E) via direct contact and instructional materials provided electronically via each subscriber's Website
  • Cost: $30 per month, paid automatically thru electronic debit
  • Pay Plan: "Two Up," with commissions paid immediately, automatically via an automated electronic credit[8]

What I wanted to do was to put together a quick review, as if I were to review any MLM business, particularly one in the M&E area. But for comparison, I'll use some experience I had in the 1990s with IDN/Nuskin (personal care and nutritional products) and then in the early 2000s with Xango (mangosteen energy and health drink). I'll list several rating categories then indicate how I rate each MLM company, using an integer ranking from 1 to 10, with 10 being highest or best:

MLM Rankings
Category IDN/Nuskin Xango MX7
Accessibility (Entry Cost) 4 5 10
Equality (Lack of Favoritism) 5 6 10
Quality of Product 9 9 8[a]
Payment (Plan and Method) 6[b] 6 9
Marketability 7 5 9
Survivability 5 5 8
6 6 9

[a] Early stages: limited contact. My quality rating has nothing to do with material effectiveness. Valentine is the real deal. He has spent a good share of his life learning and teaching what works. He certainly is inspiring me.
[b] Plans may have changed since my day.

Obviously, still a lot of unknowns. But let me briefly give a paragraph to each of the categories as they pertain to mx7:


I use this term to mean how much it costs to enter the business and start taking advantage of the products... and/or pursuing the MLM business itself. This is a key feature for me, and one that I know appeals to the average person who is perhaps not familiar with MLM and is certainly not expert in the many ways of running such a business. MX7 is hyper accessible at $30/month.


In this category, which is related to accessibility, I mean to capture the degree to which the organization is top heavy. Many MLM firms price their products high in order to cover extremely high commissions paid to early persons in the hierarchy. This is a boon to those persons, but later prospects tend to enter and then abandon the business because it's difficult to sell the product at that price. MX7 provides a high value for a low cost, attractive to subscribers who merely want the M&E and do not intend to pursue the MX7 business itself. "What is it worth to live an empowered and motivated life?" For me, it's certainly worth a dollar a day by itself.

Quality of Product

Normally, any network marketed product has the highest quality of manufacture and ingredients. [Sometimes those ingredients are oversold, but they are definitely the best quality in the marketplace.] In MX7, again from a fairly cursory and rookie assessment, the English quality of materials is 10, content appears to be well-suited; remains to be seen about how regularly materials are updated. Some of the Website higher-level images are not sharp, but from what I've seen the organization addresses issues of quality forthrightly, and hammers them flat in full view. For a system just out of the gate, material quality is exceptional. As are lead personnel.

Note: I'm sorry I haven't mentioned one of the more important elements of the mx7 M&E system: the Daily Millionizer. This is a succinct and powerful video presentation composed by Mr. Valentine that uses inspiring and exciting images and concepts to help you make success a daily habit. Extremely effective. Here is a recent one on the important general subject of Empowerment.  [7]

Payment Plan and Method

For people who have had MLM experience, particularly with products they've needed to maintain, MX7 will be totally refreshing. The financial part of your business is basically handled automatically, immediately, and transparently. You set up your account in AlertPay—there are still some minor wrinkles, but it's straightforward enough and works—then your up is paid his commission immediately. Similarly, when you bring someone in, the commissions are paid to you immediately. The process of subscribing occurs via your provided Website back office, and you do not need to be present. The software makes it intuitively obvious. Admin people are accessible by email and respond quickly to issues.


Being in the motivation and empowerment business, today, means never having to worry about having enough people who need what you're offering. Go down to the mall and do some people-watching, particularly adults 30 to 60. Without being judgmental, clearly the vast majority are visibly anxious, hurried, depressed, angry, and not in the best physical condition.

M&E is all about making us better. What excites me about MX7 is Valentine's depth of understanding—to the deepest spiritual levels—of how we can be successful. "I can sell this," I told my friend, "because it's making me a better man—my posture, my attitude, my joy, my enthusiasm, the quickness in my step, the vital presence I emanate. As time goes on, people will see these things in me and want them for themselves. I'm selling Life at a dollar a day, and it's going to be a breeze."


This is my category for threading the needle of the modern dangers of tyrannical governments or other pirates of the productive class. As a state-side individual (coresident in North America Great Lakes and New England regions), I fully expect some major shakeout in the political system in the not too distant future. In the end, we will wind up with a Constitutional libertarian system or something even more consistent with the nonaggression principle.

But until we arrive at the ideal system, tyrants may stage some serious incidents that threaten our financial prosperity, or worse. I give MX7 higher ranks than others for being headquartered outside the US. For instance, if the USD becomes highly devalued, I expect conversion of accounts to a more suitable store of value will be feasible with MX7, certainly more so than with any US-headquartered firms.


This quality isn't on the rankings, but I
know for a fact that integrity and honesty
are the breath of life for the founders
of MX7. Me, too. Truthfully it's what
made me decide to leave the sidelines
and be part of the journey.


I'll put some more into this column in the near future. I'm actually very busy at present (March 2010) with the publication of SNaP II and the FSP Liberty Forum. So I have been taking only baby steps in the prosecution of MX7. The review I give above, while perhaps not totally objective for me being a part of MX7, is nevertheless honest.

Ironically, I expect to be making a lot of money from the SNaP II book I just wrote—and getting a lot of conventional-media attention. The book is simply the Great Scratch of the Great Itch, a Common Sense for the 21st century that will help put an end the Divine Right of Banks and Cartels and the Prosecutocracy to dictate our lives. So, candidly, my primary motivation for pursuing MX7 is to provide an production "counter-economy" alternative for my freedom people colleagues: show them a way to the other Four Freedoms to go along with the political freedom:

  • financial freedom
  • time freedom
  • health freedom
  • spiritual freedom

For me, I'd reached the end of the line with my old life right about the same time I was finishing SNaP II. At 60, I was noticing the "Pudge Factor" all of a sudden—where I wasn't keeping the weight off, hanging on to diet attachments and too many beers too far. I knew that wasn't the road I wanted to go down. Aside from success with the book, I needed more focus in my life, more direction, someone/something external to keep me "match fit" and inspired. Here's how I put it to my friend:

I appreciated [a comment] regarding what a lot of people derive from your empowerment and personal growth system: direction. I might add from my own experience: inspiration and education and a certain amount of kita (kick in the ass). Day to day, it's hard to motivate yourself by yourself. The best athletes have coaches and trainers and, now, psychologists. It's true in most other fields, too.

So there it is. I was sitting there looking for an answer, and one walked into my life. Just as Marcus Aurelius put it: "what could more aptly fit my needs?" If this is that time for you, too, if you are also searching for a tool for self-improvement, where you can have more of that abundance that was always yours for the taking, look no further, check this out:

By clicking on the card, you will go to my MX7 site portal. Clicking on the red Enter button takes you to a common area for information. Please just browse and ask questions. Reach me with any email questions or comments here, and I'll be happy to talk with you if there's an interest. [I used "Empowerment Agent" on my cards until I become a "Leader." My friend, my up, now, suggests that I'm already a leader, but I prefer to take one step at a time. I'll revisit/review my MX7 business periodically in these Coffee Coaster pages; perhaps by the time the above cards run out, I'll put Leader on the new ones. :)]

Note: At this stage I'm interested in getting together with MLM stalwarts and setting up a Master Mind group, depending on where you're located. This is because for MLM (Make Life More) true believers who have the "know power" can see MX7 as having exceptional "viral" potential, not to mention supporting—via M&E—any other promising MLM business.

Let me also state that all my cause-oriented libertarian colleagues, should they wish to continue to focus substantial effort toward the cause, will find the mx7 M&E system a tonic and a boon for achieving their political goals. Motivation and empowerment are equally important characteristics whether you're running a business or fighting a political cause. [However, I doubt the socialists or fascists get much out of the system. :)]

One more thing: This business isn't only for libertarians and freedom fighters. It's for any decent human being who thinks making (lots of) money[8] is a good thing and wants to do so in a way that feels clean inside.

[1] Philosophe: For an excellent, moving description, please refer to Neil Postman's Building a Bridge to the 18th Century. Also, I comment a bit in SNaP II.

[2] MIC = military industrial complex

[3] For my story on the early Free State experience, please refer to my book, New Pilgrim Chronicles.

[4] This is a good and entertaining story, as well: There Must Be Some Mistake. Again, I had some luck.

[5] For some reason I feel the need to initial capitalize "Alternative Economy," treat it as a proper noun. The logic of that is I mean by Alt Econ the specific American version that we are becoming increasingly self-conscious of in New England and elsewhere.

[6] This is where I add a footnote to refer to my motivation and empowerment business (

[7] Interestingly, the Empowerment-defining Millionizer also defines "sovereignty."

[8] The pay plan is described here. As a consequence of the accessibility and the marketability of mx7, a steady, planned incremental business will yield substantial recurring earnings. The two-up formula is powerful and consistent with steady development of a high-quality M&E network. In one year, you will make substantial residual income (a few $1000/month) by reaching one person per month... provided most of your downstream subscribers practice your same steady rate of a subscription per month.

The Sacred Nonaggression Principle

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